Libyan Arab stand-up Mustafa Algiyadi longs to be part of the European way of life but is confronted with some cultural differences that make it confusing, chaotic and sometimes highly inappropriate! If you’re up for picking apart bad habits, religion, meditation, velvet sofas and for learning how to deal with annoying people, then why are you not booking your ticket already?!? Approach ducks with caution.
Mustafa Algiyadi is the co-founder of the first weekly and longest running English Stand Up Comedy Club in Munich. Mustafa’s humour is eclectic, spanning the spectrum from the silliest to the darkest, all mixed with a semi intellectual demeanour, that adds to the severe imposter syndrome that he has.
In 2022, Mustafa Algiyadi performed to an audience of 5600 people and completed tours in The Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Malta. His recent performance at Brighton Fringe Festival 2023 marked the debut of his full hour, where he made 22 performances throughout the festival. He was selected for the highly acclaimed “Best of the Fest” line-up and sold out several shows!
“Full of little twists and turns” – Voice Mag, ★★★★
“Finest traditions of compering” – Chortle, ★★★1/2
“Breath of fresh air” – Plays the Thing UK
Performances (show time: 1 hour)
Fri 10th May, 10:45pm
Pay what you want (recommended: £11)